He returned to the international ACI in August 2014, was elected as President and now is heading a team of ACI Board members from 6 nations. After completing his Board work in 2011 he was appointed an Honorary Member at the AGM 2011, then focusing on national activities only. He has inter alia been responsible for the development of the ACI logo and visual presence / “corporate identity” of the ACI brand. He is co-founder of the formal association ACI in 2004 and since then was an ACI Board member and responsible for international Marketing and Communications, as well as ACI Webmaster.
Stephan Joest is active since 1990 as a representative of the German clubs at the Amicale Citroën Internationale (ACI), long time before it was formally established as a legal association in 2004, and according to the French Law of 1901.